Riparian & Boater Responsibilities

Riparian & Boater Responsibilities

If you live on a lake, you have riparian responsibilities. Properly maintaining your lawn near the lake is an essential part of a healthy aquatic ecosystem.

   - Some ways you can help our waterbody include:
   - Use phosphorous-free fertilizers.
   - Don’t allow grass clipping to enter the lake.
   - Pick up dog and geese droppings.
   - Rake the shoreline in the spring and fall to remove leaves, sticks and debris.
   - Pick up floating plants that wash up on shore.
   - Rake swim areas and remove debris from the lake.
   - Clean boats prior to entering or leaving your lake.
   - Do not dump bait into the lake.

Help your new and longtime neighbors learn about their riparian responsibilities.

You also can help stop the spread of aquatic invasive species. Remove any and all aquatic plants from your boat and trailer before entering and leaving the lake. Never release any bait or aquatic species into the lake.


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